Social Analytics

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, technology and social media platforms are constantly evolving, which can make it challenging for businesses to stay ahead of the competition. However, by leveraging social media analytics tools, companies can gain valuable insights and improve their marketing strategies and products, based on data-driven decisions. Palowise’s social analytics tool is specifically designed to track and analyze social media conversations, using advanced techniques like topic and sentiment analysis to generate actionable business intelligence.

1500+ brands trusted Palo so far.

Key advantages of Palowise’s Social Analytics Tool

Build stronger strategy

Measuring all available metrics on social media data helps access valuable insights to make better business decisions. Social Media Analytics insights can be used to optimize marketing initiatives, improve products, understand customers, and develop better business and marketing strategies that can achieve a better ROI.

Better understanding of the market

Tracking and analysis of data from social media networks provide transparency of what audiences and customers say about your brand, competitors, the industry, or the overall market in which a company operates. A better understanding of the market and the consumers is achieved via topic and sentiment analysis.

Discover new content

Social media users today are pretty innovative in what they have to say about a brand or market. Keep track of social media data to discover new trends, content, and valuable feedback and connect to a deeper level with your customers via the creation of relevant social media content.

Benefits of Social Analytics

The benefits of social analytics for businesses are numerous and can help to improve overall performance in a variety of areas. Below are some key benefits of social analytics for businesses:

Benefit #1:

Improve products by actually listening to your customers and audience found on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram

Benefit #2:

Learn what matters to your customers concerning your products and services

Benefit #3:

Innovate by finding opportunities generated by what the audience in the industry is talking about

Benefit #4:

Improve marketing targeting and further segment your market

Benefit #5:

Gain a competitive advantage by tracking what customers are saying about the competitors or the trends in the industry

Other Capabilities of Palowise’s Social Analytics Tool

Social Listening

Social listening allows the user to structure the data generated daily on the web, which enables a brand, company, or individual to go in-depth into what is being said about each one of them over the Internet. By enabling this service, you will have transparency over massive amounts of unstructured data.

Competition Analysis

Improve your Products and Services. Identify market gaps and anticipate customer needs and expectations, as well as your competitors' upcoming improvements.

Sentiment Analysis

Emotions play a huge factor in purchasing decisions. Gain insights into how audiences perceive your or the competitor’s products, services, and brand, and translate the audience's’ behavior to actionable business data.

Digital Footprint

It is critical to invest in your digital footprint as more than 90% of consumers use digital platforms to find businesses. Our data shows that 58.4% of internet users make a purchase online every week and this number is continually growing.

Influencer Analytics

An influencer marketing agency, The Self, conducted a survey that found that 65% of companies currently use influencer campaigns and 92% of customers prefer to see promotions from people they don’t personally know instead of...

Sponsorship Evaluation

Sponsorship evaluation is an essential process for businesses seeking to maximize the impact of their marketing efforts. By measuring the effectiveness of sponsorships, companies can make informed decisions and improve their return on investment (ROI).


In today’s world, social media has become an important platform for moms, especially new ones, to seek advice and share their experiences related to babies. As a result, it’s crucial for companies to monitor online discussions, reviews, and search data to gain...

Social Inteligence

Analysis of data from social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok is known as social intelligence. To assist firms in making better data-driven decisions, these are frequently used in conjunction with conventional reporting and business intelligence techniques.

Media Monitoring

Media monitoring is all about staying on top of the conversation and getting the inside scoop on what people are really saying about you or your clients. It’s like having a spy in the room, giving you valuable insights into customer feedback that you can use to make better decisions for your business.

Consumer Intelligence

Why are consumers choosing your competitors’ products and not yours? To understand why this is happening, companies use Consumer Intelligence, which is a method of gathering information about consumer behavior and preferences.

Brand Equity Measurement

Brand equity is a critical component of a company’s overall competitive strategy, as it represents the value that a brand adds to its products or services in the eyes of the consumer.

Tracking Analysis

In today’s data-driven world, it is essential for businesses to track and analyze the vast amounts of data that are constantly being generated. By utilizing data tracking, companies can gain valuable insights that can help them identify trends, optimize processes, and make more informed decisions.

Trend Analysis

Trend analysis is all about understanding what’s driving consumer behavior and being able to respond to their needs in the most effective way possible. By keeping an eye on trends, you can anticipate what your customers might want before they even know they want it.

Reputation Management

Reputation management is important for businesses to have in place, especially in case of unexpected events, such as crises or pandemics! A good reputation managemeny strategy includes using tools to gather data & insights about mentions of the company, competitors, and related entities.

Political Analysis

Political analysis is becoming more important in today’s digital age as technology allows for the collection and analysis of a large amount of data from online sources. These tools can be used to gain a deeper understanding of political actors, their motivations, and the potential outcomes of their actions.

PR Crisis

In the world of business, PR crises can happen unexpectedly and cause significant damage to a company’s reputation. That’s why having a solid PR crisis management plan in place is essential for any business that wants to survive and thrive in the long run.

Campaign Evaluation

Campaign evaluation is crucial for businesses to assess the effectiveness of their marketing and PR efforts. By using a campaign evaluation tool, companies can track and analyze their campaigns, gain insights, and make data-driven decisions that lead to better results. Studies show that businesses using such tools see an average 30% increase in ROI.

FAQ about Social Analytics

What is Social Analytics?

Social analytics enables companies to track, monitor, and analyze conversations about their brand and competitors on various social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and TikTok. This analysis provides marketers with a deeper understanding of people’s thoughts and opinions, allowing them to make data-driven decisions.

Social analytics is not just about numbers, but also about interpreting and understanding the data. It involves monitoring, analyzing, measuring, and interpreting digital interactions and relationships between social media users. By tracking the sentiment, topics, and content related to a brand, companies can gain valuable insights about their customers and their overall perception of their brand.

Recent studies show that businesses that incorporate social media analytics into their strategy experience an average of 20% more revenue growth than those that do not. Therefore, social media analytics is a must-have tool for companies that aim to stay ahead of the competition and grow their business in today’s digital world.

What is a Social Analytics tool?

Social Analytics Tools are a powerful resource for companies to gather, monitor, and analyze targeted data from social media platforms. This data can include various metrics such as engagement, sentiment, and topics of interest. By utilizing Social Analytics Tools, companies can gain a better understanding of the market, industry, consumers, and competitive landscape. Additionally, businesses that use these tools are better equipped to stay on top of emerging trends and remain competitive in their respective markets.

How can Social Analytics help a company grow?

In today’s world, social media plays a critical role in consumers’ decision-making process, from where to dine to what to purchase. That’s why social media analytics is crucial for businesses to identify their audience’s interests and how it influences their buying decisions. Social media analytics empowers marketers to offer customers a personalized experience that is tailored to their preferences.

The majority of discussions about products and services are happening on social media, making it a valuable resource for companies to gather insights to enhance their current offerings or discover new opportunities. Social media analytics is an essential tool for businesses to understand their audience, make data-driven decisions, and enhance their customer experience. Given the current importance of social media as the primary channel for customers to share their feedback about products and services, social media analytics is a must-have for any organization looking to stay ahead of the competition.

Why is Social Analytics important?

Social analytics has been widely adopted by many companies across various industries, as it provides valuable insights into customer behavior and sentiment.

Some examples of companies that have used social analytics tools include:

  • Coca-Cola, which uses social analytics to monitor brand mentions and track consumer sentiment about its products.
  • Starbucks, which uses social analytics to identify and engage with its most active and influential customers, resulting in increased brand loyalty and advocacy.
  • Dell, which uses social analytics to monitor customer feedback and improve its products and services, leading to increased sales and revenue.

What are the main challenges to Social Analytics?

In today’s digital age, there are various social media platforms with different types of audiences and social norms, making it challenging for businesses to capture and analyze the right data.

Social analytics is the solution that helps companies gain insights into their audience and improve their strategies. However, there are several challenges that come with social analytics, including ensuring that reports are seen by the right people to drive innovation and that data is structured correctly. To address this, dynamic reports in tools such as Power BI are used to deliver metrics in real-time through data quantification. Another challenge is assigning the correct value to audience interactions, as different social media platforms have varying engagement metrics that need to be incorporated for accurate analysis.

By overcoming these challenges, businesses can successfully generate valuable insights and improve their social media strategies to meet their audience’s needs.

Why is Palowise among the best Social Analytics tools in the industry?

Palowise offers a range of social analytics capabilities that can provide businesses with the tools they need to monitor and analyze their social media presence.

  • Social media conversation monitoring, allowing companies to stay up-to-date on what their customers are saying about their brand, as well as their competitors.
  • Sentiment analysis, which provides insights into how customers feel about a brand, product, or service.
  • Topic tracking, enabling companies to track what their customers are talking about and stay ahead of trends in their industry.
  • Content analysis, which helps companies understand what types of content are resonating with their audience.
  • Advanced analytics, which provides actionable insights that can help companies improve their social media strategy.
  • Customizable reports and dashboards, allowing businesses to create reports that are tailored to their specific needs.

Is Social Analytics included in the default PalowisePro pricing plan?

All Services and pricing plans are tailored to your needs!

All features of Palowise’s platform, combined with the Social analytics platform and our expertise, are taken into consideration to match your brand, industry, and business needs and come up with a suitable pricing plan for you.

What other services does Palowise’s tool include?

Your brand can truly thrive with the help of all the services offered by Palowise. These services are designed to give you a comprehensive understanding of your target audience and the market, so you can make informed decisions and stay ahead of the competition. Here are some examples of the services that Palowise offers that your brand can benefit from:

I’m interested in receiving a quote from Palowise. What are the next steps?

Dive into social analytics data and transform your company!

Fill in the form below and one of our Intelligence experts will get back to you within 24 hours.

Our Social Analytics experts will guide you through

  • Understanding your business needs and what would you like to achieve
  • Provide a demonstration of the platform
  • Developing the right solution for your business
  • Setting up your account

Why Palowise?

  • #1:Our customer service is exceptional.
  • #2:Our social listening abilities are phenomenal.
  • #3:Dashboards on our platform are automated and customizable.
  • #4:Our solutions are specifically designed for your brand and your needs.
  • #5:We have exceptional data coverage.
  • #6:Going above and beyond has always been the goal of Palowise.

What our Clients say about us.

Palowise delivered useful data and insights for our needs and projects, they helped identify & map market needs, trends, and consumer attitudes. We would recommend Palowise’s Web to any organization seeking a competitive edge in the digital landscape.

Alex Manos CEO & Founder

Monitoring public online through PALO pro gave as all the access needed, gathering key insights at any time and real-time insights at our interest. As a social listening tool helped as understand the social game and what people talk about our business and create a sophisticated community management approach. While our goal is to Improve customer satisfaction at any touchpoint Palo Pro gave all the knowledge into action tool to fullfill our zero detractors customer strategy!

Ioannis Kamilakis Marketing Director

It‘s always nice to work with professionals who enjoy their work. Palo takes it off! High quality services, interaction and open communication, value for money. With Palo we just get everything we need!

Sophia Stamou Communication Manager