Paloservices presented its services “Paloanalytics” and “Astroturfing” at the C2FuturePlan conference that took place on June 29 in Milan

As part of the C2FuturePlan conference that took place on June 29 in Milan, Paloservices presented its services “Paloanalytics” and “Astroturfing” as solutions in the evolution of the sustainability of smart cities.

Everything seems to be labeled smart these days: smart cars, smartphones, smart TVs, smartwatches, smart hotels. In order to gather a large part of this “intelligence”, a global smart city movement helps to connect any factors that can be described as “smart” within a city or community to make it more sustainable and functional.

Extensive research activities using machine learning techniques and various industrial needs have paved the way for the emerging field of smart cities. We, as Paloservices, with our tools like Paloanalytics, can contribute to this movement, through the advanced analysis services we offer to our clients using big data technologies, research methodologies (qual & quant) and BI tools for digital marketing and business information. Our Astroturfing tool, the deceptive practice of presenting an orchestrated marketing or PR campaign, contributes to this. The “astroturfing” tool aims to detect organized disinformation operations by modeling the spread of fake news on social media.

With these two tools, Paloservices assumes an important role as a supporter of companies that contribute to the sustainability, convenience, safety and evolution of urban life in general.

You can watch the confeence here:

Why Palowise?

  • #1:Use the industry's top artificial intelligence to handle the heavy work for you and gain insights in minutes.
  • #2:Receive an alert if something major occurs near your customer.
  • #3:Identify the influencers, material, and messaging required to generate success in real-time.
  • #4:Manage cross-channel campaigns with multidisciplinary groups and infinite channels.
  • #5:Monitor engagement and sentiment to get valuable insights.
  • #6:Monitor trending topics of discussion among users.